This screen contains, in particular, a form for uploading files to a package and sending the package to a recipient. There is also the option to log in as a registered user. The screen looks like this:

The parts marked with red numbers in the figure above are described below:

  1. The field where you upload into the package the files you want to send. You can drag and drop them into this rectangle or select them with the button and the system dialogue.

  2. The files that are already added and will be included in the package are displayed here. You can remove them by clicking on the ”X”. If there are a large number of files, the display will change, and all the files will not be displayed.

  3. This section is for filling in necessary details about the package, namely:

  4. This button is used to send the package. If everything is filled in correctly, you can click on it and send the package. The process for uploading individual files to the server is the next step.

  5. The application’s language settings are found in the top toolbar on the right.

  6. Users who have registered with the application can click here to go to the login dialogue box and log into the system. Every registered user should always log in before using the application. After logging into the application, the list of user’s received packages will be displayed.

The process of uploading files after sending the package (see point 4) looks like this:

Upon successful completion of the upload, you will receive a unique link that recipients can use to access the package. They must log into the system. It is not possible to anonymously (without logging in) send a package that another anonymous person would receive. One of the communicating parties must always be a registered user of the application.

By pressing the ”Send Another” button, you will return to the initial form and can prepare and send another package.