Version (v1.4) of Package detail

Version (v1.4) of Package detail

When we display a detail of a package, we will see a screen similar to the following:

Here are the following main parts:

  1. Package title, if filled in by the sender. If not, the package ID will be displayed. On the right, there are buttons for actions concerning the package, such as: Forward the package, Add recipients to the package, Edit the package and Delete the package.

  2. Information about the sender and recipients of the package. If the package is private, recipients can be removed by clicking the X next to their email. After removal, they can no longer access the package.

  3. Other detailed package information, including:

    • State: It indicates the state of the package. For details, see Package states.

    • Package access: Shows whether the package is public, internal or private. Affects package accessibility, see description in Send a package as a logged-in user.

    • Uploaded: The date and time the package was uploaded by the sender.

    • Package ID: A unique ID that uniquely identifies a particular package.

    • Name: The name/title of the package, filled in by the sender. It is optional.

    • Total size: The total size of all package files together.

    • Password protected: Whether the package is password protected or not. If so, it cannot be accessed, and the files cannot be downloaded without entering a password.

    • Download link: A unique link for this package, under which it can be viewed and downloaded. It can be copied and sent to recipients. However, for the link to work, the recipient must fulfill the rules, see description in Send a package as a logged-in user.

    • Finally, you can see when the package is automatically deleted (expires). You will no longer be able to download it after that. The administrator may still be able to restore the package, depending on the configuration (The package is in the recycle bin.).

  4. The button allows you to create (if it does not already exist) or download (if it already exists) a ZIP archive containing package files. The function is suitable for packages with a large number of files, so that there is no need to download files individually. Files larger than the specified size (set by the administrator) will not be included in the ZIP archive.

  5. Optional package note entered by the sender.

  6. List of files in the package. Click the blue name to download the file (if the package is active – clean). Clicking the plus icon expands the detailed file information about the file.