A logged-in user of the application can, similarly to an anonymous user, upload files and send them using the provided form.
If the administrator has enabled this option in the application configuration, the sender can still modify their packages after sending by adding, deleting, and moving files and folders. If this is enabled, logged-in users can (since version 2.4.4) create empty packages (without files), because it is possible to edit those later. That is useful for example for cooperative packages.
Unlike an anonymous package, a logged-in user does not fill in the sender's name and email address, as this information is automatically transferred from his/her account.
Additional recipients, to whom will the package be delivered, but will not be listed and visible as package recipients. Works similarly as a hidden/blind copy (BCC) in e-mails.
If the user is allowed the cooperative packages feature, he can set contributors here who will also have the permission to modify the package (add, rename, or delete files). Contributors must have an account in the application and be logged in. Collaborating on a package cannot be done anonymously (without logging in).
Persistent package
If the user has the permission to set packages as persistent (never automatically expiring), he can since version 2.4.4 set them as persistent right during a creation of a new package.
Limited number of accesses
If the administrator enabled this feature, a logged in user can set a limit on number of accesses for a package when sending it. The administrator can also enforce this limit to be set for all users' sent packages.
A package with a limited number of accesses counts the accesses made by recipients and becomes inaccessible when all accesses are exhausted. The recipient is notified when trying to access a package with a limited number of accesses and is given a choice whether really to open the package and therefore exhaust one access. If he opens it, he can then download its contents without restrictions for the time set by the administrator (default 30 minutes) and it counts as one access.
Package accessibility (type)
According to who should the package be accessible to, one of the following types needs to be chosen:
Public (default) - Anyone, who receives its link, will have access to the package. Even anonymously without logging in. It is not mandatory to fill in recipients, the link can be shared another way.
Internal - Any logged in user, who receives its link, will have access to the package. It will not be accessible anonymously without login. It is not mandatory to fill in recipients, the link can be shared another way.
Private - Only specified recipients, after logging into the application, will have access to the package, no one else. All packages from anonymous (not logged in) users are automatically in this mode. It is mandatory to fill in recipients, as the package will be accessible only to them.
The default access of a package, if the user does not change it, is set by the administrator. The administrator can also revoke user’s permissions to send some of the types, so the user will not be able to select and send such a type.
If a package has a password set, the password will always need to be entered to access the package, regardless of the mode selected.
For a detailed description of the form, see the section Anonymous upload of a file package. Only the differences are described here.
Packages waiting for approval before being sent
According to settings made by the administrator user’s packages may require approval before being sent out. In such a case a package is not really sent out and accessible to the recipients after being sent by the user, but is instead waiting in a queue of packages requiring approval. It must be approved or rejected by a user with appropriate permission, who is notified about waiting packages by an email, or by the administrator. The sender may be notified about approval or rejection of his package according to the settings made by the administrator.