(v2.1) Settings - Templates
This part of settings can be used to edit templates of especially e-mails (notifications) being sent and other customizable texts.
A table with a list of all the templates used for generating e-mails is displayed here, with a description of their purpose. If a template is modified from its default state, it is indicated in the list by a checkmark on the right side of the row.
By clicking on + in front of the template name a list of all available languages is shown. For each of the languages the template can be edited or a test message rendered from the template can be sent (dialog for entering e-email where to send it will be shown) using the appropriate action icon.
Since version 2.1 there are the following 3 templates with a special meaning and behavior in the list:
EMAIL_TEMPLATE_CSS - Common definition of css styles used for all e-mail templates. Allows to change the design of all organization’s templates without the need to edit each one separately.
EMAIL_TEMPLATE_PREFIX - By default an empty template. If anything is inserted within, it will be automatically prepended before all the generated e-mail messages. It can be used for example to personalize messages by saluting users (
EMAIL_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX - By default an empty template. If anything is inserted within, it will be automatically appended after all the generated e-mail messages. It can be used for example to insert a common organization’s footer.