Po klepnutí na volbu "Upravit profil" se zobrazí následující dialog:
Zde je možné si upravit údaje vlastního profilu, tedy:
Telefonní číslo
Zobrazen je také e-mail. Ten ale nemůže uživatel sám upravit. Pokud je třeba ho změnit, je nutné kontaktovat administrátora aplikaceThe following dialogue box appears after clicking “Edit profile”:
If the user is local, you can edit your own profile information:
First Name
Last Name
Phone number
Preferred language - If set, specifies which language will be used in emails addressed to the user. Otherwise the language set by the application administrator will be used.
An e-mail address is also displayed. However, it cannot be edited by the user. If it is necessary to change it, the application administrator must be contacted.
If the user is not local (account is from Active Directory or ADFS), the profile information is synced from remote directory and nothing can be changed, except preferred language.