It is displayed to the user after logging into the application. It looks like this:
Here are the main elements marked with red numbers:
1 Left menu used to select the main functions of the application with the selected item highlighted. In this case, “Inbox” for the list of received packages.
For additional functions see the User main menu.
2 Currently logged in user account. Hover your mouse over the username to display a menu with the available actions, namely:
3 Logout – it logs out the user from the application and returns to the start screen.
4 Filter for searching records (here received packages) according to selected parameters. After filling in, the “Search” button filters the list. The “Cancel” button then cancels the filtering and displays the complete list again. The filter can be hidden or shown by clicking on its top bar.
5 On the left above the table with packages list, there is a button for refreshing the list (rounded arrow) and also a “Mass actions” button, which allows to execute an action on multiple selected packages from the list at once.
6 On the right above the table with packages list, there is a “Auto refresh“ toggle, which enables the the function to automatically refresh the list in regular intervals, for example when waiting for a new package.
7 In the top left corner of the table there is a checkbox, using which all the packages in the list can be selected at once. Then a mass action can be executed on all of them. Similar checkboxes are available for each individual package in the list, allowing for narrowing down the selection of specific packages from the list.
8 Table with lines for individual packages. The details of the selected package can be viewed by clicking the blue name of a package or by double-clicking anywhere on the line.
The packages, which have not yet been opened/viewed in detail, are highlighted in bold font as unread.
At the beginning of each line there is an asterisk symbol, which can be used to mark the package.
Displayed below the package name may be icons symbolizing the properties (flags) of the package. Possible flags are:
It symbolizes a password protected package. Access requires a password set by the sender of the package.
It indicates that the package is public. Anyone with a link to it can access it without logging in. If it is password protected, a password must be entered.
The package contains encrypted files. Their content cannot be checked and may be dangerous or forbidden. | |
The package contains files that exceed the size limit for which some checks can be performed. Therefore, their content has not been checked and may be dangerous or |
forbidden. This limit is set by the administrator. |
The package |
is public. Anyone with a link to it can access it, even without logging in. But if it is password protected, the password must be entered first. If this flag is not shown, the package is either private or internal. For details see Send a package as a logged-in user. | |
The package is password protected. Access requires input of a password set by the sender of the package. | |
The package was created by forwarding of another package. | |
Persistent package. This package will not expire automatically and so will not be automatically deleted. This can be set or unset only by the administrator. |
9 Icon which will show a menu of actions that can be performed on the package:
Forward the package, which will forward this package to other users (similar to the function in e-mail clients).
Delete. Deletes the package from the list of user`s received packages. But it is not deleted from the application and so from other recipients, which can be done only by the administrator.
No actions can be performed on quarantined packages (marked with a red bar). These may contain malicious or
forbidden content and may only be handled by the administrator.
10 Legend for the color bars introducing the table lines (here packages).
11 Pages – If there are multiple items in the list, they may not all appear on the same page but will be divided into multiple pages. This element allows us to set how many items on one page we want to see and which page we want to display.