Package detail
When we display a detail of a package, we will see a screen similar to the following:
Here are the following main parts:
Package title, if filled in by the sender. If not, the package ID will be displayed. Next follows the link icon, which copies the link for the package to the clipboard, then the icon of the diagonal arrows which switches between compact and full display mode. In the compact display mode some details are hidden to allow more space for the list of files in the package.
Actions concerning the package, such as: Forward the package, Add recipients to the package, Edit the package, Add files to the package and Delete the package (only those that make sense for the specific package are shown).
Information about the sender and recipients of the package. If the package is private, recipients can be removed by clicking the X next to their email. After removal, they can no longer access the package. Optionally the package can also have contributors, which means users, who can also edit the contents of the package, similarly like the sender.
Other detailed package information, including:
State: It indicates the state of the package. For details, see Package states.
Encryption status: if the package is encrypted with the package password, it is stated so here. The administrator must enable this feature, for it to be available. For more see Encrypt the package data with the package password.
Package integrity: Shows the result of the last data integrity check and optionally an icon for executing a new integrity check (if the administrator enabled this). The integrity check computes current checksums for all files in the package and compares those to the original checksums computed when files were uploaded. Possible states are:
The integrity of the package data has not been checked yet. - Checksum not yet computed and verified.
The integrity of the package data is OK. - Checksum computed and verified to match.
The integrity of the package data is compromised. - Checksum computed and differs from the original.
The integrity of the package data cannot be verified. - Checksum cannot be computed (file inaccessible).
Package access: Shows whether the package is public, internal or private. Affects package accessibility, see description in Send a package as a logged-in user.
Uploaded: The date and time the package was uploaded by the sender.
Package ID: A unique ID that uniquely identifies a particular package.
Total size: The total size of all package files together.
Password protected: Whether the package is password protected or not. If so, it cannot be accessed, and the files cannot be downloaded without entering a password.
SFTP URL: If the user has permission to access the package via SFTP, which depends on the application settings configured by the administrator, a unique link for accessing the package through this protocol is displayed here. For more details, see Accessing a Package via SFTP.
Download link: A unique link for this package, under which it can be viewed and downloaded. It can be copied and sent to recipients. However, for the link to work, the recipient must fulfill the rules, see description in Send a package as a logged-in user.
Finally, you can see when the package is automatically deleted (expires). You will no longer be able to download it after that. The administrator may still be able to restore the package, depending on the configuration (The package is in the recycle bin.).
The button allows you to download a ZIP archive containing package files. The function is suitable for packages with a large number of files, so that there is no need to download files individually. Files larger than the specified size (set by the administrator) will not be included in the ZIP archive.
The icon for immediate start of a new data integrity check of all the files in the package. For details see section 4. If the package is big, the check may take a long time.
Tabs allowing to switch between the views “Package content“ (all files and folders structured as a tree), “Trash“ (all deleted files in one list) and “Quarantine“ (all quarantined files in one list).
On the left the path to the current displayed folder of the package. By clicking on the parent folder names the view will switch to them. (Folders in a package are supported since version 2.4.) On the right there are buttons allowing the sender of the package or its contributors to:
Add files - adds new files to the current folder.
Create folder - creates a new subfolder in the current folder.
Mass actions - if some files from the list are selected, this buttons allows to execute some mass actions on them.
Button which allows to customize the view below listing the files. The following can be set:
View files in states - selects which files are displayed in the list (active, quarantined, deleted).
Show files: In one view vs. Grouped by state - switches between display of all files states in one table or multiple tables each one for one state.
List of files and folders in the package:
Files and folders are displayed according the to settings in paragraph 9 above.
Even deleted files may be listed (if it is a package sent by the user and an administrator enabled users to delete files in their sent packages).
Click the blue file name to download the file. Files which are quarantined, deleted, or from own sent packages (if an administrator prohibited this) cannot be downloaded.
Clicking the plus icon expands the detailed file information about the file.
The administrator can permit a user to display even the detailed results of file checks using the detection engines (antiviruses, sandboxes). By default this is not allowed for users so the plus icon is not visible.
In the file integrity column, there is an icon representing the result of the last integrity check, an icon for copying the checksum of the file to the clipboard and optionally an icon for immediate start of a new data integrity check of the file (if the administrator enabled this).
Download count: The column displays two numbers, M / N, where the first number represents the count of anonymous downloads (without login), and the second number indicates the count of downloads by logged-in users. At the end, the number of archive downloads is displayed in the format M / N, where the first number represents the count of anonymous downloads (without login), and the second number indicates the count of downloads by logged-in users.
If the administrator allowed this, the active file list for sent packages may contain an action icon on the right of each file, which enables the sender to:
Rename the file.
Delete the file. A deleted file cannot be restored by the user, but the user can add it again as a new file.
Move the file (to another folder).
For senders and contributors a column stating who uploaded the file is also displayed. That can be useful for cooperative packages, which the administrator can enable for users.
If the administrator has activated the CDR module for converting files to a safe format, the list of files in the package may additionally display:
For compatible files set by the administrator, a safe copy in PDF format without active content will be created. This is indicated by a PDF icon:
. By clicking on it, you can download this safe PDF copy.
If deleting of the original files is enabled, only this safe PDF copy may be displayed in the list of active files instead of them. This can be recognized by the file having a .pdf extension and "Safe Copy" displayed in the Status column.
Before any download of an archive or a file, the user might be requested to enter his login password again. This is specified by setting the permissions by the application administrator.