(v1.6) Queued packages

(v1.6) Queued packages

The package queue shows list of packages waiting for detection engine checks to finish. Each file of each package is checked according to the Detection settings by detection engines. Checks by some detection engines (especially Sandboxes) may take a longer time (typically several minutes). The packages are meanwhile waiting in this queue for the checks to finish.

For queued packages a single action is available to the administrator:

Terminate the checks. The administrator may terminate the running checks of the package prematurely. The package is then moved into active clean packages or quarantined packages according to the detection settings. If some mandatory detection engines checks were not finished, the package will be quarantined. If unfinished checks were not mandatory, the package will be considered clean.

The maximum time the packages can be waiting in the queue is configured in the settings in the Package workflow. If any package exceeds this time in the queue, its checks are terminated with the same consequences as if terminated by the administrator, as described above.