(v1.6) Settings - Configuration - Diagnostics

(v1.6) Settings - Configuration - Diagnostics

This configuration screen allows the administrator, in case of problems with the application, to perform a diagnostics in cooperation with technical support. Should be used only after a previous consultation with the technical support. The following two options are available:

Send logs for analysis

Sends application logs and basic system information for diagnostics.

Audit logs or application data are not sent (packages or files).

Sent are application server logs, containing information about running application, including possible exceptions, useful for diagnosing problems. Also basic information about the system are collected and sent, including for example: memory size, running processes, disk partitions and network addresses.

Log scope

It is possible to select how many logs from now back into the past will be sent. The following options are available:

  • Basic - sends only active logs from today (since last rotation).

  • Weekly - sends active logs plus 7 days of previous logs.

  • Complete - sends all logs.

Remote access

This function opens a SSH tunnel for remote diagnostics. The tunnel allows SSH access to the server running the application for the support technicians.

Technically it is done, by first establishing a SSH connection to the technical support server dedicated for this purpose (to recon.sonpo.io, port 2222). Inside this connection a reverse tunnel is opened, allowing incoming SSH connections from the technical support server to the server running the application. Authentication in both directions is ensured using the appropriate public and private keys.

This function is disabled by default and can be enabled by clicking the button. After enabling it, it is active, until the administrator disables it again, even after the restart of the server.