(v2.0) Settings - Configuration - User settings
In this settings section the administrator specifies various settings affecting users, specifically:
Default settings for new users
Newly created user’s account will have the following default settings:
User permissions
Default permissions, that will be granted to newly created users. For descriptions of the permissions, see User permissions.
Disable inactive users
Sets the automatic inactive user account disable function. The action is performed once a day. Disabling an account means revoking user’s login permission. The administrator can enable the user’s account again by granting him the login permission back. But if such user will not log in and therefore will stay inactive, his account will likely be automatically locked again.
Automatically disable inactive users
One of the following options can be set:
Off - the function is off, no accounts are automatically disabled
Local - only local accounts (created manually inside the application) are automatically disabled
Remote - only remote accounts (created automatically after login using an account from AD or ADFS) are automatically disabled
All - all accounts are automatically disabled after the inactivity period (set below)
(default: Off)
Inactivity period before account is disabled
The number of days, after which a user account is considered inactive and will have login permission revoked.
(1-36500, default: 180)
Delete inactive users
Sets the automatic inactive user account delete function. The action is performed once a day. Deleted accounts cannot be restored, but can be created as new again.
Automatic users deletion
One of the following options can be set:
Off - the function is off, no accounts are automatically deleted
Local - only local accounts (created manually inside the application) are automatically deleted
Remote - only remote accounts (created automatically after login using an account from AD or ADFS) are automatically deleted
All - all accounts are automatically deleted after the inactivity period (set below)
(default: Off)
Inactivity period before account is deleted
The number of days, after which a user account is considered inactive and will be deleted.
(1-36500, default: 365)