(v2.3) Settings - Datastores

(v2.3) Settings - Datastores

Here the administrator can manage datastores for packages' files. One and only one of the datastores must be always set as active.

The default settings after installation contain one datastore in path “/var/sofie/data“. As the only datastore, this default one is also set as active.

Adding a new datastore might be useful for example in case the current one is running out of free space.

Add a new datastore

The administrator can add a new datatore using the “+ ADD” button above the table with the list of existing datastores. He must fill in a dialog with the following items:


A path to a directory on the application server’s file system, which will be the root directory of the new datastore. For example: “/mnt/datastore2”.


Optional own note for the datastore. Has no functional effect.

For the datastore to work correctly, not only the SOFiE application needs to have full access to it, but also the anti-viruses used by the application, and it also must be sufficiently fast and reliable. For example mounted network datastores from AWS S3 using the fuse drivers are not recommended, as during testing those showed problems, especially when working with large files, causing errors within the application.

Delete a datastore

The datastore, which is not active and contains no data (files), can be deleted by the administrator using the trashcan icon in the datastore list. So datastores containing packages in other states then “shredded”, or the active datastore, cannot be deleted.

Set a datastore as active

Active datastore is used for storing data (files) of newly uploaded packages. Active datastore can be selected by clicking on the “Active” switch in the datastore list. One and only one datastore must be always active. Therefore activating a new datastore causes the previously active datastore to be deactivated and the currently active datastore cannot be deactivated in any other way than setting a different one as active.

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