(v2.3) Settings - Configuration - Packages - Approval of sending

(v2.3) Settings - Configuration - Packages - Approval of sending

Approving the sending of packages

Mandatory approval of user's packages to be sent

Determines whether logged in registered users can send packages without additional approval (by the approver = auditor) or whether approval is needed. In the case when "only selected" is set, the corresponding permission of each user comes into account.

(default: NO)

Access to packages being approved without requiring their password

If enabled, the auditor (user with permission to approve packages to be sent) does not need to know and enter the download password for the package being approved to access the package's detail and contents. Does not apply to packages encrypted with the package password, because these cannot be decrypted without it.

(default: disabled)

Preferred approver

If this feature is enabled, then a user can have preferred approvers assigned. Depending on the next setting ("A user can choose his approvers") he can select them himself, or an administrator sets them for him. Also depending on the following setting ("An approver can access all packages that require approval") it is possible, that without any preferred approvers assigned, there will be nobody who will be able to approve the packages the user is sending. The administrator must set such a combination of settings that makes sense. If a user has preferred approvers assigned, notifications about his new packages waiting for approval will be sent only to these preferred approvers.

(default: disabled)

A user can choose his approvers

Specifies, whether a user can choose his preferred approvers, that approve the packages he is sending. If yes, he sets them in his user profile. If no and he needs them, the administrator should set them for him. In the case when "only selected" is set, the corresponding permission of each user comes into account.

(default: NO)

An approver can access all packages that require approval

Specifies, whether an approver (a user with the permission to approve sending, auditor) can access all the packages that require approval. If not, he can only see the packages for which he is assigned as the preferred approver. In the case when "only selected" is set, the corresponding permission of each user comes into account.

(default: YES)

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