Version (v1.3) of Deleted packages

Version (v1.3) of Deleted packages

On this screen, the administrator can see the list of deleted packages. Both clean and quarantined. Deleted packages can no longer be seen by users. But the administrator can see them and can restore them, if needed. The screen looks like this:

The same as for active packages and quarantined packages applies here. Additionally there is an action for restoring a deleted package and the meaning of delete action here is different:

Restore the deleted package. The package is returned into active (clean or quarantined) packages and users can see it again. If it is clean, users can download the contents again.

Permanently delete the package and shred the files. The delete action on a deleted package irrevocably erases the contents of the package. Files are removed from the data store and space is freed. It cannot be restored. Only the package metadata remain and can be accessed in Package archive after checking the show deleted packages checkbox.