(v1.5) Package states
The package state indicates the state of the package. It consists of two parts:
Part before dash = state in terms of package life cycle, possible states are:
requested: Request for a package. Waiting for the recipient of the request (the sender of the future package) to upload the files.
uploading: Sender is currently uploading files to the package.
active: Package with all files successfully uploaded.
deleted: Package deleted. Either automatically after expiration or manually.
It can no longer be downloaded. The administrator can restore it (It is in the recycle bin.).
archived: Package was transferred from the recycle bin to the archive. It can no longer be downloaded or restored. Only the administrator can see it and can also restore it to active state.
shredded: Package files were permanently deleted. Even the administrator can no longer access them. Only package information remains.
Part after dash = state in terms of set package checks, possible states are:
unknown: Not all the package checks set up by the administrator have been completed yet. The package cannot be downloaded until the checks are completed.
clean: All package checks set up by the administrator went well, and the package was evaluated as OK. Content can be downloaded.
quarantined: Some of the checks set by the administrator have evaluated the package content as problematic. It could be a virus, prohibited content or another problem. The package is in quarantine and it, or some of its files (according to settings), cannot be downloaded. The administrator can release it from quarantine at his/her discretion.
Not all of these combinations are visible to users. Typical combinations of states visible and essential for users are:
requested = package request waiting for upload of files by the sender
active - unknown = package waiting for checks to finish
active - clean = all checks finished and no problems were found in the package
active - quarantined = some checks found problematic content in the package