Version (v1.3) of User manual

Version (v1.3) of User manual

The SOFiE (Safe Online File Exchange) application allows users to easily send files. Its main benefits compared to other file-sharing channels are:

  • Almost unlimited file size (as set by the administrator)

  • Simple and intuitive use on a web browser

  • Security checks to ensure that the files are safe (free of viruses, other unknown threats and content prohibited under company rules)

The following sections describe individual application features for users and explain how to use each one properly.

The documentation may vary for different versions of the application. Please make sure you are reading the correct version.

This documentation is for version 1.3 (specifically 1.3.0, which was released on 1st October 2019 and contains modifications, see the change log). But differences among minor versions of 1.3.x are minimal.

After opening the basic URL of the application (e.g. https://sofie.sonpo.cz/), one of two possible start screens is displayed:

The application administrator can change which of these start screens is displayed.

After logging in, you will come to the list of user’s received packages.