(v2.0) Settings - Configuration - Security

(v2.0) Settings - Configuration - Security

The Security screen allows the administrator to change the settings ensuring secure operation of the application. Namely the following:

Password rules for administrators

Minimum password length

Minimum password length for administrators. The length is enforced when setting a new password or changing the existing one.

Password must contain

By checking the required character groups (lowercase and uppercase, digits, symbols) it is possible to increase the complexity of used passwords. The following characters are considered as symbols: ! @ # $ % ^ & *. The character groups are checked when when setting a new password or changing the existing one.

Forbid leaked passwords usage

When enabled, ensures any new password must not be a part of a known password data breach. The "Have I Been Pwned (HIBP)" service is used to check this. The password is not sent anywhere for this check. Only a 5 character fragment of the SHA1 password hash is sent. For more information see: https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/v3#PwnedPasswords. This is checked when setting a new password or changing the existing one.

Password rules for users

Minimum password length

Minimum password length for users. The length is enforced when setting a new password or changing the existing one.

Password must contain

By checking the required character groups (lowercase and uppercase, digits, symbols) it is possible to increase the complexity of used passwords. The following characters are considered as symbols: ! @ # $ % ^ & *. The character groups are checked when when setting a new password or changing the existing one.

Forbid leaked passwords usage

When enabled, ensures any new password must not be a part of a known password data breach. The "Have I Been Pwned (HIBP)" service is used to check this. The password is not sent anywhere for this check. Only a 5 character fragment of the SHA1 password hash is sent. For more information see: https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/v3#PwnedPasswords . This is checked when setting a new password or changing the existing one.

Password reset link lifetime

For user requested reset

If the local user (see user types) has problems logging in and requests a password reset, a notification is sent to his email, containing a temporary unique link allowing him to set a new password. This setting specifies for how many minutes is this temporary link valid.

For administrator requested reset

If the administrator requests a password reset for some local user, a notification is sent to the user’s email, containing a temporary unique link allowing him to set a new password. This setting specifies for how many minutes is this temporary link valid.

For newly created user and administrator accounts

When creating a new local user or administrator, the administrator can, instead of directly setting the password, send a temporary unique link allowing the recipient to set his initial password himself. This setting specifies for how many minutes is this temporary link valid.

Login and authorization lifetime

After logging in a JWT token is issued to both users and administrators. It is then returned by the server in a HTTP cookie and is then always sent back by the browser in all requests to the server. The JWT token contains an expiration time, until which it is valid. If the server receives a token, which is already expired, the user is logged out. The JWT token is updated and the expiration time extended during every successful request to the server, so if the user is actively using the application, his login session is being extended continuously.

Idle login session timeout

Lifetime of authentication JWT tokens in seconds (60 - 1000000). The token is renewed by every user action so it is also a session idle timeout before logout.

Maximum login session timeout

Absolute lifetime of authentication JWT tokens in seconds (60 - 1000000). After this time, the token cannot be renewed by user action any more and user is logged out.

Password protected package access validity

Number of seconds for which a password protected package can be accessed without re-entering the password (60 - 1000000).


reCAPTCHA secret key

Sets the reCAPTCHA secret key in case the reCAPTCHA anti-spam mechanism is used (see https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/intro). If not set, the reCAPTCHA will not be used.

reCAPTCHA site key

Sets the reCAPTCHA site key in case the reCAPTCHA anti-spam mechanism is used (see https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/intro). If not set, the reCAPTCHA will not be used.

reCAPTCHA score threshold

Sets the reCAPTCHA score threshold, specifying the score value above which a request is not considered spam (number from 0 to 1, see https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/v3#interpreting_the_score). Default recommended value is 0.5.

Enable reCAPTCHA results logging

Enables or disables the logging of reCAPTCHA test results into the audit log. Should be enabled only temporarily during debugging of problems with sending of packages, because it may create a lot of log entries.

Other settings

Enable repeated password guessing protection

If enabled, then in case of incorrect login attempts it will exponentially increase the time before allowing next login attempt. Up to the maximum time of 10 minutes between attempts.

If disabled, then there is no limit on login attempts. Therefore it should be always enabled for production use, otherwise the accounts are open to rapid automated password guessing and possible account theft.

It is enabled by default.

Trusted proxies

The list of IP addresses (comma separated) of trusted proxies.

If the application is running behind a proxy (e.g. WAF like F5, FortiWeb, etc.), it cannot directly see the IP addresses of connected clients, because the clients connect to the proxy instead. It can only see the IP address of the proxy passing the requests to the application. All the audit logs and also settings limiting administrators' logins to selected IP addresses then work with this proxy IP address, which is usually not what we want.

If we fill in this setting with IP addresses of trusted proxies, which are passing the requests to the application, and they support adding the X-Forwarded-For header (which should be common), the application will ignore the IP addresses of these trusted proxies for the sake of audit logs and access control and will use the IP addresses of clients passed by these trusted proxies (and only by them) in the X-Forwarded-For header instead.