(v2.3) Add an administrator

(v2.3) Add an administrator

New administrator can be created by filling up the following form:

The fields of this form have the following meaning:


The username the administrator will use to log in (login name).

Send a password reset link

Instead of setting the new administrator’s password manually, it is possible (and recommended) to enable this feature and let the new administrator set his own new password by himself. An e-mail will be sent to him with a link for setting his password. E-mail field is mandatory in this case and must be filled, unlike the password, which is not filled then.


The password the administrator will use to log in. The password must fulfill the requirements for complexity as set in Settings - Configuration - Security - Password rules. The password is mandatory, if not set using a link to set the password, see above.

E-mail, First name and Last name

The administrator’s e-mail address, First name and Last name are only for information purposes. It is not being used by the application in any way.

Allowed IP ranges

The administrator will be able to log in only from the specified IP addresses. If no address is specified, all addresses will by allowed. If the administrator attempts to log in form an address which is not allowed, the error message “Invalid username or password.“ is displayed and the event is logged in the audit log.

If the application is running behind a proxy, it is necessary to set Trusted proxies in Settings - Configuration - Security - General, for this to work correctly.


The list of permissions, which can be granted to or revoked from the administrator’s account, for details see Administrator permissions.



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