Version (v1.4) of Forward a package

Version (v1.4) of Forward a package

The function is used to forward an existing package and works similarly to e-mails. A new package with the same content is created automatically. Works similarly to the Send a package as a logged-in user.

You only need to fill in the e-mail addresses of the recipients of this new forwarded package.

The package title is transferred from the original package and “Fwd:” is added before it. However, the title can be freely modified.

If there is a note with the original package, it will also be transferred with a text stating when and by whom it was written. It can be added to, rewritten or deleted.

The password, valid for, and the accessibility mode is the same as for Send a package as a logged-in user.

The files that are part of the original package are copied and automatically attached. If necessary, some of them can be removed from the forwarded package. However, you cannot add new ones. If some new files need to be added, it is necessary to create a new package, not forward the existing one.