Settings - User groups

Settings - User groups

In this section the application administrator can manage the user groups. Support for groups was introduced in version 2.4.

Above the table listing the groups, there is a User group filter, which can be collapsed or expanded by clicking on its header. This filter allows searching within the group list based on their attributes, including the permissions that members have or do not have.

For quick text-based searching without using the advanced filter, the Quick search field in the upper right corner above the table can be used.

The administrator can create a new group using the Add button above the list. To create a group, simply enter its name and leave the Administrative group option checked.

An Administrative group is used to manage user permissions. If this option is not selected for a group, its assigned permissions will not be granted to its members. In the future, Distribution groups are planned, which will be used for bulk package sending “to a group”. At that point, this setting will become more relevant.

For existing groups, the administrator can perform the following actions using the icons on the right side of the list:

Edit - Edit an existing user account. Displays a form and works similarly to Add a user. Only the password must be changed separately, see the action below.

Icon which displays a popup menu with more actions, which can be performed for each user. The following actions may be available:

Set permissions. For details see User permissions.

Starting from version 2.4, individual user permissions have been removed and moved to groups. So permissions are now managed exclusively through this group settings.


Assign users – opens a form that allows assigning users to the group. The same action can be performed by clicking on the box with the text "Users: X" below the group name.


Set group mapping – opens a form that allows configuring rules for automatically mapping remote users to the group. The same action can be performed by clicking on the box with the text "Mapping: X" below the group name, if displayed.


Duplicate – allows easy copying of an existing group into a new one. A form will appear where you can enter the name of the new group and choose whether to copy the users from the existing group and the automatic mapping rules into the new group.

Delete – deletes an existing group. A group marked as a default group cannot be deleted.

On the left side of each row a checkbox for selecting multiple groups from the list is available. For such selected groups a bulk action can be performed by clicking the “Bulk actions” button located above the table with the list. From the actions available for an individual group only some can be performed as a bulk action.

Each group can be marked as a default group, meaning it will be automatically assigned to newly created remote users. This is done only if no mapping for the remote user source exists (see Set group mapping above).

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