Settings - Configuration - License
The License screen shows the status of the active license and allows the activation of a license key. Specifically we can see here:
License information
Displays current information about the active license. That is:
License type - can be one of the following:
perpetual - Perpetual license entitles to use the application for unlimited time. But the entitlement for support and new versions is valid only if a support contract is active. For versions released after support contract expiration, the license will be invalid.
subscription - Subscription license entitles to use the application only during the time of active support contract, see “Subscription active to”. After that the license is terminated.
demo - Special mode, which the application enters any time, when problems with license are detected. This “demo mode” means the application is in something like “read only state”. Nothing can be written, modified, packages cannot be uploaded, etc. Only permitted actions are activation of a new license and deleting existing users (so if the licensed limit for number of users is exceeded, it is possible to get below this limit again).
Subject - informative name of the company or organization to which this license was granted.
Subscription active to - Period for which the license holder is entitled to receive new versions of the application and also support. For subscription type of licenses, when the subscription expires, the license also expires.
Domain (FQDN) - Domain name for which the use of the application is licensed. This domain is also used in sent out links to the packages and other sent out links. The same domain should be also visible in browser’s address bar during application use and in the related SSL certificate.
Alternative domains (FQDN) - The application can be licensed and used on more domains. One will stay as the primary (see above) and will be used in all links in sent e-mails. Alternative domains can be used for example to access the application from internal network, where they can translate to internal address. For simplicity we recommend running the application only on one domain and not using the alternatives.
Number of users - active / maximal number of users, for which this license is valid. If exceeded, the application will automatically transfer to “demo mode”, severely limiting the functionality, see above.
(optional) FortiSandbox quota - especially if using FortiSandbox as a service, a monthly quota for executed scans can be licensed and set. The quota counts the number of minutes spent by executing scans on the FortiSandbox per month.
(optional) Allowed to exceed the quota - If allowed, then after exceeding the quota (see above), only notifications are sent, but the files will continue to be scanned by the FortiSandbox. If exceeding the quota is not allowed, then after the monthly quota is exceeded scans by the FortiSandbox will no longer be performed.
(optional) Licensed modules - Some application modules might need an additional license, for example the SFTP module. This shows, which optional modules the license contains.
License status - current state of the license, which can be one of:
valid - licence je platná a aplikace je tak plně funkční
invalid domain - application FQDN differs from the license, the application will only work in “demo mode”, see above
too many users - the number of users exceeded the licensed number, the application will only work in “demo mode”, see above
expired subscription - the subscription expired, or the perpetual license does not cover this version, the application will only work in “demo mode”, see above
expired license token - it was not possible to contact the license server for more than one month and update the license, the application will only work in “demo mode”, see above
License key
After entering the license key, the license can be activated by clicking the Activate license button. The application will connect to the license server, verify the license key, and if valid, activates the relevant license. The license is then regularly, once a day, checked and updated from the license server. If this fails for more than a month, the license token expires, see License status above. The communication with the license server is done using https.
The screen looks like this:
After new installation of the application and during the first start up, a trial license is automatically issued for 50 users and is valid for 30 days. License is bound to a specific FQDN and the trial cannot be automatically granted again, for the same FQDM. But it is possible to continue the already running trial, which did not expire yet. After purchase of a full license, the license will transition from trial to one of the full license types.
Demo mode
If the application license is not valid (see the license statuses above), the application runs in so called “demo mode”. The use of the application is severely limited. Mostly it is in “read only state”. So it is not possible for example to create new users, administrators, nor edit them, or change the configuration. Only permitted actions are activation of a new license and deleting existing users (so if the licensed limit for number of users is exceeded, it is possible to get below this limit again). But even in demo mode, the users can download existing packages.