Settings - Users
In this section the application administrator can manage the user accounts. There are two types of user accounts:
local users - marked by blue bar in front of the row in the list
remote users (from AD/ADFS/OIDC) - marked by green bar in front of the row in the list
For detailed information and differences see Types of users and their login process.
Above the user list table, there is a User Filter. This can be hidden or expanded by clicking on the header. It allows for detailed searches within the user list based on their attributes, including permissions the user has or does not have.
For quick text searches without using the advanced filter, you can use the "Quick Search" field in the top right corner above the user list table.
The administrator can create new local users by clicking the Add button above the list, see Add a user.
The next button above the list “↓ CSV“ can be used to export the list of users and download it in the csv format.
For existing users the administrator may invoke the following actions by clicking on the icons on the right side of the row:
Edit - Edit an existing user account. Displays a form and works similarly to Add a user. Only the password must be changed separately, see the action below. | |
Icon which displays a popup menu with more actions, which can be performed for each user. The following actions may be available: | |
Set permissions. For details see User permissions. Since version 2.4 individual permissions of users have been removed and moved to groups. | |
Change password - change a user's password. The new password must fulfill the complexity rules set in Settings - Configuration - Security - Password rules. For remote users, the password cannot be changed. | |
Send password reset link - a unique link will be sent to user’s email, which can be used to change his password. The link will expire according to the setting “Password reset link lifetime” in Settings - Configuration - Security - General. Action is not available for remote users. | |
Multifactor authentication. Shows a list of set up second factors for the user’s authentication. The administrator can delete those from the list, which will enable the user to log in without the second factor, for example in case he looses it and needs to login without the multifactor authentication. | |
User’s e-mail aliases. Displays a dialog allowing management (add, edit, delete) of the user's email aliases. Aliases serve as alternative email addresses to which packages for the user can be sent. | |
Set approvers. A user can be assigned approvers for his packages. This setting takes effect, only if the package approval feature is enabled for the user. | |
Delete - deletes existing user’s account. After confirmation, the account is deleted and cannot be restored. |
On the left side of each row a checkbox for selecting multiple users from the list is available. For such selected users a bulk action can be performed by clicking the “Bulk actions” button located above the table with the user list. From the actions available for an individual user only some can be performed as a bulk action.