Version (v1.4) of Administrator permissions

Version (v1.4) of Administrator permissions

Different application administrators may have different permissions assigned. So it is possible for example to create an administrator, which will only have the necessary permissions to handle packages (check and release from quarantine, restore deleted, etc.), but will not be able to change the settings. Or on the contrary an administrator, who will only handle the application settings and will not have access to packages and their contents.

The permissions, which may be granted to or revoked from each administrator, are as follows:

Administrator management

An administrator with this permission may create new administrators, edit existing ones, including their permissions, or delete existing ones. So he has the right to perform all actions in:

User management

This permission allows an administrator to manage the users of the application. That means creating new local users, edit existing ones, change their passwords, or delete them. He can also manage API tokens, because the tokens are always bound to a specific user. So the administrator can perform all actions in:

Access to logs

Administrator accounts with this permission have full access to Audit Logs and also to setting a syslog target, where copies of all audit log messages are sent. So such an administrator can:

Application settings

This permission allows administrators to perform complete configuration of the application, with the exception of features and sections defined in the other permissions. So an administrator with this permission can do all actions in:

Access to list of packages and it's metadata

The permission to view information about packages - view package lists and details of specific packages. This permission does not allow the administrator to perform any actions on the packages, nor download the packages contents. It allows to view:

Access to files of packages

As a prerequisite this permission requires the permission “access to list of packages and it's metadata” described above. It allows the administrator to download all package files, create ZIP archives from packages and download them.

Package management

As a prerequisite this permission requires the permission “access to list of packages and it's metadata” described above. It further allows the administrator to perform all package actions (like release from quarantine, delete, restore deleted, etc.).