Settings - Configuration - Notifications

Settings - Configuration - Notifications

The Notifications settings screen allows to change the settings concerning automatically sent e-mail notifications. The following notifications can be set:

Quarantine and DLP

Notify package recipients if a package is quarantined

Enables or disables the notification about a quarantined package for the package recipients. This is disabled by default.

If an administrator releases the package from quarantine, recipients receive a message informing them about a new package available for download, as usual. This setting has no effect on that.

(default: disabled)

Notify package sender if a package is quarantined (only registered sender)

Enables or disables the notification about a quarantined package to the package sender. The notification is sent only in case the sender is a registered user. It is enabled by default.

If an administrator releases the package from quarantine and this setting is enabled, the sender of the package also receives a notification about the release.

(default: enabled)

Other recipients of quarantine notifications

The list of e-mail addresses (comma separated), to which to send all notifications about quarantined packages. This setting does not affect the notifications sent to package sender and recipients. It is typically used by application or quarantine administrators, so they can react to quarantined packages.

Recipients of DLP notifications

The list of e-mail addresses (comma separated), to which to send all notifications about packages containing files matched by the DLP filter.

Approval of sent packages

The following notifications settings will have effect only if it is configured for some users, that their packages have to be approved before being sent out. That is not the default state.

Notify the package sender if sending was approved

Sends a notification to the package sender if his package waiting for approval was approved and sent.

(default: enabled)

Notify the package sender if sending was rejected

Sends a notification to the package sender if his package waiting for approval was rejected and therefore not sent.

(default: enabled)

System notifications

Notification recipients

Comma separated list of e-mails to which notifications about system events enabled below are sent.

(default: disabled)

Notify about package scan failures

Sends a notification if a scan of the package content with detection engines failed.

(default: disabled)

Notify about status changes of long-running tasks

Sends a notification when the status of a long-running task changes.

(default: disabled)

Notify about a detection engine unavailability

Sends a notification if one of the detection engines stops being available.

(default: disabled)

Notify about insufficient disk space

Sends a notification if there is less that 10% of free space on one of disk volumes.

(default: disabled)

Send notification if data integrity corruption is detected

Sends a notification if the data integrity check task detects a data integrity corruption in a package.

(default: disabled)

Notify when the detection engine's quota is exceeded

Sends an alert if the detection engine's licensed quota has been exhausted.

(default: disabled)

Related content

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Version (v1.3) of Settings - Configuration - Notifications
Version (v1.3) of Settings - Configuration - Notifications
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