Add a user
The administrator creates new local user by filling out this form:
The form fields have the following meaning:
The account name, which the user will use to log in.
User’s e-mailová address. Notifications about received packages will be delivered to this e-mail. Also all packages addressed to this e-mail will be automatically paired to this user. The e-mail i also used to for password recovery or initial password setup.
Send a password reset link
If enabled, a unique link for initial password setup is sent to the e-mail address entered above. So the user can set up his password on his own. If disabled, the initial user’s password must be entered by the admin, see below.
If “Send a password reset link“ is disabled, then a password for the new user can be entered here by the administrator. The password must meet all the complexity requirements, see Settings - Configuration - Security - Password rules. The password can be even empty = unset. Such an account cannot log in using a password, but can for example use SFTP with authentication by key.
First name and Last name
The first and last name is automatically attached to user’s sent and received packages and is displayed in lists of packages and in package’s details. So it is recommended to correctly fill up, although it is not mandatory.
Company and Phone number
It is used only for information purposes and easier orientation of the administrators. It is not used anywhere by the application.
IP ranges
Individual IP ranges from which the user accesses the application. For details see Settings - Configuration - Users - User restrictions by IP ranges.
Preferred language
The language in which all e-mail to this user will be sent can be set here. This setting has a higher priority than the global e-mail language set in Settings - Configuration - E-mail. The user can modify this setting on his own in his profile after login.
Temporary user
If this feature is enabled during user’s creation it is necessary to also fill the following field: “The user will be deleted after“. This specifies a date after which the user will be automatically deleted from the application freeing up the space for other users.
User Groups
Select the groups to which the newly created user will be assigned. By default, the groups set as default are preselected, but this selection can be modified. As of version 2.4, group membership determines user permissions. Permissions from different groups are cumulative.
User is Active
Indicates whether the user's account is active. If the account is inactive, the user cannot log in. This complements the previously used login permission. Now, a user must have both login permission (granted through group membership) and an active account to log in. If either requirement is not met, login will not be possible.