Address book - Contacts

Address book - Contacts

The list of all saved user’s contacts is shown here. Every contact must have an e-mail address and might optionally have a name, which will be then shown for clarity.

A new contact can be added using the “+ ADD“ button above the list on the left and after filling a simple form. The contact list can be also searched using the “Quick search” field above the list on the right.

Existing contacts in the list can be modified using the pencil icon or deleted using the trashcan icon on the row with the contact.

Contacts in the list can be of two types:

  • Manual - manually inserted contact using the add button. It is marked in the list by a blue strip before the row.

  • Collected - automatically saved as a recipient of a sent package. It is marked in the list by a green strip before the row.

Toggling the Collect contacts switch above the list specifies, whether the recipients, to whom the user sends packages to, should be automatically stored as a contacts in the address book.

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