List of packages waiting for approval

List of packages waiting for approval

This view is similar to the List of user`s received packages, where a detailed description of the basic screen elements can be found.

User can see this only if granted the permission “Approve sending of packages“. If he has this permission granted and a new package he can approve appears, a notification about this is sent to his e-mail.

The approval of users' packages for sending is required according to the settings made by the administrator. It can be required for all users, for none of them, or for selected users only (based od permission “Send packages without additional approval“).

The packages that according to this setting are waiting for approval are not sent and accessible to the recipients until an approver/auditor approves them. In this view the user with the appropriate permission can see the list of packages he can approve to be sent.

By default only packages still waiting for approval are shown in the list. Using the filter above the list it can be switched to also show packages already approved or rejected.

If the user wants to approve or reject one of the waiting packages he must open it in a detailed view. Then after consideration whether the package is suitable to be sent or not, he either approves or rejects it to be sent using appropriate action in the action menu in the top right corner of the detailed package view.

Which packages an approver sees and can approve is influenced by the administrator's configuration, particularly the setting of the "Preferred Approver" feature. If the preferred approver function is active, while approvers access to all packages requiring approval is not allowed, then only the users' designated preferred approvers can see and approve the packages requiring approval.

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